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My friend cursed me; will I be affected by his BAD DUA & what can I do to remove it? Assim AlHakeem
Would Allah answer a bad dua (curse) against me? How to protect ourselves from this assim al hakeem
Will someone's bad dua against me get accepted if I am the oppressor? - Assim al hakeem
Would Allah accept bad dua of someone made against me when I have done nothing wrong assim al hakeem
What DUA should you make if you have CURSED SOMEONE?
The Effect of Cursing Someone - Mufti Menk
What if someone curses you - Mufti Menk
I have backbitten many people, should I apologize to them? How should I repent? - Assim al hakeem
Only 1 view! And your ENEMIES will SHAKE | Destroy all the PLANS of Enemies and Envious
What if someone whom I have wronged doesn't want to forgive me? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Do This If Someone Abuses You! - Mufti Menk